In the year 249 AD, the barbarians invaded the northern territories. For three years, the army was without rations or pay. The soldiers of the Xi Lin army, pushed to the edge, mutinied. The emperor of the Sima clan, holding power in a corner of the realm, was reluctantly forced to rely on the imperial guards led by the aristocratic families to maintain his rule, even though they were superficial, incompetent, and insatiably greedy.

The traditional Confucian ways were becoming ineffective. Ministers no longer obeyed the emperor; the emperor no longer trusted the ministers. People grew indifferent to each other. The central plains suddenly became a purgatory where every man was for himself, with divine and earthly punishments for those who did not look out for their own interests. Players, as modern individuals, will step into the shoes of young Jinmengde (Yuyue). In a world filled with constant unexpected events, he finds himself lost, wandering from place to place, seeking the way of the immortals, in search of a path in life that maintains a joyful heart.






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Due to the developer's computer coding limitations, this game relies heavily on the player's brain (it's all up to your imagination). I promise not to clutter your mind with junk, but please bear with the occasional bugs! I'm working on it, and together, we can surely overcome this challenge. Because... I'm still working on it.



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